Welcome to the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) Survey Panel Page!

Since 1993, The University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) has been the premier communication policy center in the country.

To learn more about the public opinion panel you signed up for, please click or tap one of the following links:

Annenberg Democracy Study Panel

Annenberg Science and Health Panel

National Annenberg Survey of Youth (NASY)

The Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1993 and created FactCheck.org in 2003. By conducting and disseminating research, staging conferences and hosting policy discussions, its scholars have addressed the role of communication in politics, science, adolescent behavior, child development, public health, suicide prevention, civics, and mental health, among other important areas. The center’s researchers have drafted materials that have helped policy makers, journalists, scholars, constituent groups and the general public better understand the role that media play in their lives and the life of the nation. For more information on APPC, click here.

SSRS, a non-partisan public opinion research firm, collects the survey responses for each of these panel projects on behalf of APPC. For more information on SSRS, click here.

An Exclusive Opportunity

APPC Panel members join by invitation only. You represent people just like yourself.


APPC Panel members receive compensation for their time in completing surveys.

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